中美Tax Treaty 【2024最全攻略】



什么是Tax Treaty?

Tax Treaty又称租税协定,而中美tax treaty是中美两国在1984年签订的条约,目的是为了避免或减少跨国人员在两个国家都被征税(双重课税)的额度。

中美tax treaty



什么人可以享受中美Tax Treaty

可以享受这个Tax Treaty Article 20 (C)$5000免税的人群:

  1. 学生/student :一般持有FJQM 签证,很多同学由于想尽早拥有SSN,在校内申请打工,又或者是做TA/RA,所获得的收入是肯定要报税的,报税时前$5000免税。
  2. 培训人员/trainee: 一般持有JQ签证

不管你的报税身份是 Non-Resident Alien (NRA) 还是 Resident Alien (RA),都可以申报五千美金的treaty减免。无论是在F1签证中的OPT期间,或者是学生身份超过5年成为了 Resident Alien (RA),都不会影响使用treaty。

身份 签证 免税条款 金额
学生 & 家属 FJQM 签证 20(c) 最多每年$5,000免税
培训人员 & 家属 J or Q 20(c) 最多每年$5,000免税
老师/教授/研究人员Teacher/Professor/Researcher, J or Q 19 三年内收入无需缴纳联邦收入税的

【注意】持J,Q签证的教师,教授,研究员等,使用的中美Tax Treaty和适用于J,Q学生签证的Article 20不一样,而是Article 19。中国居民来美国的高校和研究机构从事教学、演讲、做研究等,在三年内的这部分收入是无需缴纳联邦政府所得税的。


如何从税表上看出Tax Treaty的减免?



如果你的雇主已经帮你在W-2表格上把中美 tax treaty的数额减免了,那你的W-2表格上面年总收入就会显示出来少了$5,000,并且你会收到一份1042-S表证明你有$5,000免税收入。



中美Tax Treaty 的填写

对于2022年还有校内收入的同学,请和学校的payroll office联系,确保获得1042S表格,作为5000减免的证明。
第一项,写:P.R of China b. 20(c)
第二项,写:IRC61; 871(b)
在“The taxpayer is disclosing a treaty-based return position as required by section 6114”后边选No。
I am a citizen of of China who entered the US on July 20xx as an F-1 student. Since then, I have maintained my F-1 status . I am present in the US solely for the purpose of education or training at XXX University.
As a citizen of China and not a US citizen, I have not been lawfully accorded the privilege of residing permanently in the United States as an immigrant, either.
I received compensation for personal services in the United States. This compensation qualified for the exemption from withholding of federal income tax under the tax treaty between the United States and the People’s Republic of China in an amount not in excess of $5,000 for any tax year.
Article 20(c) of the USA-China income tax treaty allows an annual $5000 exemption of student wages from gross income for personal services.
Paragraph(2) of the 04-30-1984 protocol of the USA-China income tax treaty contains the “saving clause” of the treaty, which normally acts to nullify the tax teaty’s benefits once a resident of China has become a resident of the USA. However, paragraph(2) of the Protocol also specifies exceptions to the saving clause, among which is article 20 on student and trainees.
I have elected to do this, and am claiming an exclusion from gross income for 2012 of $5000 in student wages as allowed by article 20(c) of the USA-China income tax treaty.


中美Tax Treaty – 注意事项


  1. 来自香港,澳门和台湾的小伙伴们不适用这个Tax Treaty
  2. 中美Tax Treaty 并不是所有的州都适用;不承认的州包括:阿拉巴马州,阿肯色州,California,Connecticut,Hawaii,Kansas,Kentucky,Maryland,Mississippi,Montana,New Jersey,North Dakota,Pennsylvania。
  3. 该条约对收入来源有限制,像是投资收入所要缴纳的税就不可以抵扣。要记住像robinhood和webull这种投资类的税是不可减免的。